About Us
Sprinkler & Alarm Inspections Ltd (SAIL) is committed to providing inspection and reporting on your fixed fire protection systems to ensure your building meets New Zealand’s strict and enviable fire safety standards. Our aim is to keep everyone safe from fire in our commercial buildings, hospitals and care facilities.
SAIL is wholly New Zealand owned and independent from any third party interests such as the insurance industry or fire protection contractors.
SAIL is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) as a Type A Inspection Body to ISO 17020 for new Fire Alarm Inspections, New & Routine Fire Sprinkler Inspections.
All our inspection staff are fully qualified and are independently assessed to meet IANZ stringent Signatory Approved status requirements.
Our staff are Independent Qualified Persons (IQP) with the South Island IQP Register for building
features SS 1, 2, 3.C, 6, 7,14.1 and 14.2.
SAIL holds the largest record base of buildings with fire protection systems in the South Island. Our records date back from the 1940's to the current post-earthquake builds.